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Abeille in "Fort Boyard"

Abeille was in the French version of "Fort Boyard."  Here is a picture of her team (Abeille, far right with short hair).  If you go to this link: and click on the bit which says "Équipe 05" (please note, that link doesn't work and I can't get rid of it)about half way down the page, another window will pop up and you will find an extract about Abeille (which I have copied underneath the group picture and will translate from French at some point) and a RealPlayer video of her bungee jumping off the side of the building.  Or you can just click on any of the people's names in the group picture to go to the page, or click on the bit that says "EXTRAIT VIDEO" underneath the bit about Abeille to play the video. 

De gauche à droite:
L'homme fort Pierre Marquis, l'intello Caroline Poirier, le sportif François Marchand, l'humoriste François Morency et l'animatrice Abeille Gélinas.

Abeille Gélinas
Petite sur de Mitsou, Abeille Gélinas se prénomme en réalité Violaine. (Little sister of Mitsou, Abeille Gelinas's real first name is Violaine.)
Ces amis l'ont surnommée «abeille» lorsquelle s'est fait teindre les cheveux en jaune, il y a quelques années. Le nom lui est resté. À Fort Boyard, l'animatrice de MusiquePlus a fait preuve d'un grand courage : elle a été la première à exécuter le saut de l'ange.
(Her friends nicknamed her «bee» lorsquelle did to tint itself the hair in yellow, there is some years.  The name remained.  In Fort Boyard, the animatrice of MusiquePlus showed great courage: she was the first one to execute the jump of the angel.)