Jaye Griffiths was born in 1963 and currently lives in east London with her pet greyhound Gracie. She trained
at Guildhall, and has had many TV parts over the years, appearing in 30 different programmes including "Bugs," which ran for
four series'. She can often be found in police or hospital dramas - she has appeared in The Bill, A&E, and Casualty.
Her most recent job was the 2004 drama "The Deputy," in which she played Angela Platt MP. Jaye has also been in
17 plays.
Jaye's skills include singing (Mezzo), long-distance running, driving off-road and tap dancing! She enjoys
walking her dog in Epping Forest and going to Bethnal Green market. Jaye also writes drama scripts, is a vegetarian,
is learning to play the piano and enjoys a game of backgammon.
An article about Jaye Griffiths' from the Radio Times
Click here for Jaye Griffiths' Internet Movie Database Entry: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0341694/
Jaye Griffiths' CV: http://www.thetalent.biz/cv.php?id=146